Characteristics of a Good Dental Surgeon

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Dental surgeon also known as dentist who specializes in the prevention and treatment of disease related to oral activity. A dental surgeon comprises a team containing dental assistants, dental therapists, dental technicians and dental hygienists.

Maintaining good dental care habits

Highly efficient Melbourne dentist thinks taking care of your teeth regularly can help you maintain your gum disease and periodontal. If you maintain your dental health then you do not need to run into a dental clinic regularly. It will save both money and time. If you have proper brushing and flossing regularly then your teeth must not gain any disease. According to Melbourne dentist, you need to follow certain steps to keep your mouth healthy.

  • Brush at least two times a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed at night.
  • Floss at least once a day, if you have time then you can do after every meal. This will prevent your bad breath.
  • Use dental products like toothbrush, toothpaste and floss of good company, try to use product that are being recommended by dentists.
  • Spend at least 3 mins brushing your teeth twice daily. This will prevent your teeth from getting yellowish and tooth decay.

Poor Oral Hygiene

If you keep poor oral hygiene then it will invite plague that will accumulate around the base of your teeth. Plague is the bacteria laden film that will cause tooth decay and will make your teeth weak and will develop empty spaces around your teeth. These spaces will lead to destruction of tooth bone and other tissues for you might lose your teeth. Melbourne dentist highlighted without teeth gives a bad impression of your face. You don’t have to keep your teeth for chewing just keep it for that impression. A healthier gum leads to healthier life.


Teeth are a valuable part of your body. It allows you to eat freely, smile freely, express freely. It is the beauty of your face. Try to keep this beauty of your face never let it go away from you.

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