Get Rid of Infected Teeth with the Help of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment -

In the field of dentistry many progress has been made in the last few decade but the most revolutionary amongst all the progress was the root canal treatment. It is also called as the Endodontic therapy or root canal therapy. It is actually a sequence of processes for the elimination of infection from the pulp of the teeth. This treatment is generally required when the teeth either shows some kind of decay or have some infection. That part of the decayed tooth and the infection steps forward deep inside the tooth and reaches the pulp tissue. Under such condition the root canal treatment is carried out to restore the infected pulp with a filling.

Detail about the Root Canal Treatment

Before proceeding ahead let’s understand what is root canal? Root canals are channels within a tooth that are occupied by nerve tissue, blood vessels and other cellular entities. The canal is the actual place where the nerve tissue in the tooth is found. In a root canal treatment the dentist opens the upper layer of the teeth with the help of a dental drill and access the pulp chamber of the tooth to remove the infected pulp. Once the pulp is removed chamber is cleaned properly and then filled with the gutta-percha and then it is cemented.

Root Canal Treatment

Gutta-percha is a polymer made from the percha tree which is latex. The tooth is then preserved with a crown to protect it from any kind of fracture. Generally a patient requires two to three visit to complete the entire treatment. The length of the treatment depends on the tooth that is infected. Tooth like premolars and molars take a longer time for the treatment as they have more than one root and thus have multiple canals. Thus the length of the treatment depends on the number of the root present in the tooth.


Although the root canal treatment is found to be one of the most painful dental procedures but one cannot ignore the fact that the pain prevents the tooth from being removed or giving rise to some serious mouth problems.

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