Holistic Dental

The Basic Know – How of Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is one of the increasingly popular and favoured tooth restoration systems among the dentists. It has come a long way while transforming itself. The process has been updated with most modern philosophies and techniques and has been successful in curing a myriad of patients worldwide. Treatment of root canal replaced the older practice of tooth extraction and is the most sought after remedy for tooth decays or diseases.

Get it done from a skilled dentist

However, it’s also one of the most dreaded dental treatments owing to its common myths. Many patients cringe at the thought of root canal treatment and seeks alternative to extracting their toot. However, with the recent advances in dental technology, this treatment is not at all unpleasant. In fact, if you are receiving it from a practised dentist, you will hardly feel any pain, except those injections.

Learn the basics

So, before you proceed to nod your head in affirmative for the root canal treatment, it is imperative to take a look at the basic know-how about this process and the problem.

A root canal is the space within the root of your tooth containing the pulp chamber. The canals are linked through smaller branches that are spread along the root length or toot end. The pump chamber contains the loose dental tissues and nerves that act as the sensory organs in teeth.

Depending on the position of the teeth, there could 1 to 4 of such root canals. When there is a bacterial growth in the pulp, it leads to the breakdown of diseases causing toothaches. As a result, you suffer from complications like extreme swelling of face and gums, loss of bone around the root tip as well as drainage problems.


So, whenever you detect any such tenderness and swelling in your gums or feel pain while chewing, make it sue to visit a dentist. Also, if you observe discoloration of your tooth or pain while applying pressure or excessive sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures, consult the dental expert. Not to worry; you might be prescribed some antibiotics before the professionals perform the root canal treatment.