Holistic Dental

Advantage of Porcelain Veneers Compared to other Cosmetic Surgeries

Do you keep an eye on the deteriorating condition of your teeth? If no, then it’s high time you should do so. Teeth are the most sophisticated and sensitive part of human body which requires periodic checkup. The sparkling white teeth enhance your smile and instill confidence. If you have crooked or chipped tooth, then you can possibly replace it with cosmetic surgery. Porcelain Veneers are the most commonly adopted treatment process compared to crowns. Let’s explore why it is so:

Risk free- veneers

There are no significant side effects in the treatment of Porcelain Veneers. The treatment process is pain-free, while the materials that are employed are made up of ceramics and thus have no side-effects. However, in the treatment of veneer, your enamel will be removed in order to fit the shells perfectly.

Stain resistant nature

The veneers are made up of harmless ceramics which resist strong stains. Well, if you are addicted towards beverages and drinks, you will not have to worry about the stains anymore.

Durability of the shells

The implanted Porcelain Veneers stay intact for at least a decade or more. Surprisingly, if you take proper care, these dental shells will endure for long. However, after a certain period it should be changed as certain deformation or wear takes place on regular use.

Affordable cosmetic surgery

The surgical costs of dental veneers are less expensive and can easily be afforded by common people. The braces or crowns are costlier processes and needs greater application time.

No uneasiness

Installing ceramic shells requires only couple of sessions with the dentist. All the more, you will be able to get into your regular activities just after the treatment. You will not feel pain, discomfort or itchiness.

A secret of beautiful smile

The thin porcelain shells hide your damaged or fragile teeth and restore your beautiful smile. The shells fit perfectly on the teeth and create an amazing appearance.


In order to get a flawless smile you need to get in touch with specialized professionals.